Ways To Pass The WASSCE Core Math Exam

The Significance of Core Mathematics So why is passing WASSCE Core Math required? A credit pass in Core Maths (at least a C6) is necessary for any high school student who is serious about being admitted to the majority of public institutions of higher education in Ghana. In other words, if you want to continue your study at a public university, college of education, or college for nursing, you must earn a strong Core Math pass. Once more, applicants must have a credit pass in Core Maths in order to be hired by the Ghana Immigration Service, Police, army, airforce, navy, fire service, and other comparable government agencies. It’s accurate to say that not all tertiary schools or employers require a credit pass in mathematics. Some people believe that a strong Social Studies grade will enough for a few certain courses. However, the majority of Ghanaian and other WAEC-member country high school graduates require at least a credit pass in Core Maths to advance to the next level. We all have conflicting feelings toward mathematics because of this. You know you have to get your Core Math grade correct, don’t you? I’ll outline the exact procedures I took in this post to pass my WAEC Core Maths exam rather quickly and easily. I firmly believe that anyone in my situation may pass the WAEC General Mathematics test because I was able to pass the Core Maths test despite the usual challenges I faced while learning mathematics as a student whose first love was the arts or humanities.

Have A Deep Desire To Learn Maths

The intensity of your desire to succeed will determine how successful you are, just like it does with any other personal goal. So increase your desire extremely much. Every morning, afternoon, and evening, let it burn in your chest. Concentrate on your goal to succeed in mathematics.

Create a Positive Attitude

Let’s be clear about it. Only if you believe you CAN, will you be able to achieve your goals. Success begins with a firm conviction that you can achieve an A in math or at the very least a C6. Because you’ll be forced to make the necessary preparations to get there. Here are some ideas to help you adopt a more optimistic attitude toward mathematics.
  • Quit convincing yourself that your math skills are insufficient to pass. given that you are not.
  • Keep away from persons whose opinions instill or exaggerate your fear of mathematics.
  • Use encouraging words to boost your confidence in your ability to grasp and comprehend mathematical ideas.
  • Never lose hope that the universe will help you succeed in getting the finest grades possible on the WAEC Core Maths exam.

Become more tenacious

No matter how intelligent you are in the subject of mathematics, success still requires a daily dose of resolve. If you have a gift for mathematics, don’t take anything for granted. You also need to have a very strong resolve to pass WAEC Core Maths if you have trouble learning math. For instance, try not to let one really poor math test result permanently depress you. Studying your vulnerabilities attentively will help you avoid making the same mistakes twice. Laugh when things are difficult. You’ll end the day laughing if you don’t quit up. Also keep in mind that you should not let one outstanding test performance make you feel complacent. You must have tenacious resolve every day if you want to succeed.

Put your fate in your own hands.

Let’s face it; not every math teacher is at the top of their game. I still maintain that a few of my elementary school instructors’ unhelpful attitudes were a factor in my first subpar performance in the subject. I frequently became so frightened of my math teacher that I struggled mightily in class. As a result, I frequently found myself at the bottom of the Math class. But the thought that, even if I continued to perform exceptionally well in subjects like English, History, and the like, I might not be able to earn the Distinction I was capable of earning terrified me the most. Because everything would be ruined by my horrible math grade. That insight changed everything for me. From that point on, as a 13-year-old student in elementary school, I decided to teach myself Mathematics my own. What follows is history.

Use the WAEC Core Maths Past Questions

Search for as many Core Maths practice problems as you can and add them to your study arsenal. For all serious high school and college students, past questions have always been a reliable revision tool. Here are some recommendations for using former WAEC Core Maths exam problems.
  • Consult others. Obtaining WAEC previous questions is growing more and more challenging these days. Your professors, classmates, seniors, and elder siblings may be the best people to contact for the Math past inquiries you require.
  • Online WAEC Maths practice tests can be downloaded.
  • Purchase a book of WASSCE Core Maths Exam Questions and Answers. In Ghana, two well-known companies are Approachers and Aki Ola. However, they are not the only books for high school math that are useful. You can find comparable ones at your neighborhood bookstore or from other educators that produce textbooks for sale.
  • Examine how math questions have evolved throughout time. Take note of those that come up repeatedly.
  • Get comfortable responding to earlier queries. Then contrast your answers with those found in the textbooks. Do this as frequently as you can.

Focus on the Important Topics

How then do you master General Mathematics for the WASSCE? Let me give you this. The worst thing you can do to yourself if you are a struggling math student is to spend most of your time forcing yourself to understand math concepts that are challenging for you. Look, despite your best efforts, there are some concepts in the WAEC Maths syllabus that you might never fully understand. Never discuss such subjects. Exist any particular subjects like this? No. This is a private matter. What could be difficult for me to understand might be simple for you. Just be aware of what is giving you a headache each time you try to comprehend it. Don’t get me wrong. By no means am I advocating that you continue to steer clear of all challenging subjects. Most of the subjects are understandable with persistent, focused effort. Some people won’t, though.]]>

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