Tips To Pass English & Mathematics
Here are some advice for passing math and English to maintain this pattern and enhance it:1. Create a Time Table
A timeline is a very helpful tool for ensuring exam success. It aids in meticulous time management and greatly assists in assisting in the identification of the areas that require attention.2. perfect through practice
It’s great that some people are naturally brilliant at arithmetic, but if you have trouble with numbers, practice is your best chance. Get access to approved practice tests, study through them, and by the time the exam rolls around, you’ll be more prepared to handle any questions that may come up.3. Put important points on a study sheet.
You might think about making a study sheet that you may carry with you as you get ready for the test. According to WikiHow, you can increase your memory for crucial material by listing all of the formulas, ideas, phrases, and other details you believe you will need to know to pass the test and then writing them down on a notecard or piece of paper. Keep it with you and pull it out anytime you have a chance to read it.4. Adhere to the syllabus
Paying attention to the syllabus not only helps you save study time but also enables you to cover the topics required by the testing organization.5. Pay attention to the following topics when in English:
Part of speech, Tenses, Rules of Concord, Vocabulary (this will help you to express yourself well) and Essay/Letter writing. Punctuation and correct spelling are also essential. Here’s a free resource from WAEC.]]>