2024 Scholarship in Germany for International Students

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Here is a list of prominent scholarships in Germany for international students:

1. The DAAD Scholarship Programs

The German Intellectual Exchange Service, also known as DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst), is a collaboration of German higher education institutions charged with fostering international academic ties. They concentrate on fostering academic and research collaboration by providing grants and scholarships to international undergraduates, graduate students, and scientists working in Germany. The DAAD offers scholarships to students who intend to pursue a degree in a full-time program of study. The candidates must have at least two years of verifiable job experience and a bachelor’s degree that was earned within the last six years. For postgraduate students and doctoral students, the monthly salary for the DAAD fellowship is 850 euros and 1,200 euros, respectively. If you search the DAAD database, you may get a list of every scholarship that is currently open as well as a ton of different programs that are provided by various organizations.

2. Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarships

Every year, the Heinrich Böll Foundation gives about 1,200 scholarships to deserving undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate students from various fields of study and nations. These students ought to be pursuing their degrees in public or publicly recognized German universities. Scholarship recipients are expected to have excellent academic records, be politically and socially active, and have a keen interest in principles such as justice, democracy, ecology, and self-determination. [caption id="attachment_5622" align="alignnone" width="1082"]Stevkons Ads Stevkons Ads[/caption]   In addition to individual allowances, non-EU Masters students will earn 850€ per month (tuition fees might be possible). EU students at the same academic level will earn 649 euros plus 300 euros for books each month. It is given for the usual study period with the option of an additional semester. On the other hand, PhD students from outside the EU will earn 1,200 euros per month in addition to a 100 euro monthly mobility allowance and other specific allowances (excluding tuition fees). EU-based PhD candidates will get 1,350 euros per month in addition to a 100 euro research costs grant (excluding tuition fees). The scholarship is given for a two-year period with two half-year extensions possible.

3. DeutschlandStipendium National Scholarship Programme

The Deutschlandstipendium provides financial assistance to bright, motivated students from all around the world. It provides financial assistance to students at all German universities that participate without regard to a person’s citizenship or parental or personal wealth. Through a public-private partnership, enterprises, foundations, or private people provide students with a monthly stipend of 150 euros, and the federal government matches that stipend with an additional 150 euros. Since the universities are the ones giving out this prize, applicants must adhere to their own institutions’ conditions. The scholarship is given for two semesters, but it may alternatively be good for as long as the typical study term lasts. In order for private funding to proceed, the institution must determine after two semesters if the student still satisfies the requirements for the scholarship. Through this grant, you can also access mentoring programs, networking opportunities, and internships.

4. The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarship

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung scholarship is an additional choice that aims to advance social democracy by providing financial aid for academic pursuits. The fellowship is open to international candidates who are enrolled in a state- or state-recognized university of applied sciences in Germany and pursuing their doctorate. These pupils are anticipated to perform academically above average. For people who work in the humanities, social sciences, or politics, this is a good alternative. Even if the course you are attending is in English, you must show that you have exceptional German language skills to qualify for this award. [caption id="attachment_5621" align="alignnone" width="1082"]Stevkons Ads Stevkons Ads[/caption] Only 40 persons each year from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe will enroll in this funding program, thus there are a limited number of spots available. Scholarship recipients enrolled in undergraduate programs will get a monthly payment of 830 euros. The monthly stipend for master’s degree candidates is 850 euros, plus health insurance fees.

5. Erasmus Scholarship Programs

International students who want to enroll in a full-time study program in Germany should consider Erasmus as well. Erasmus provides financial support for one-year exchange periods for overseas students at German institutions as an EU-wide award sponsored by the EU’s member states. You must be enrolled in a higher education program and both your home university and the German university must have ratified the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in order for you to be eligible for the scholarship to Germany. The majority of the top institutions in the EU take part in the Erasmus program, and many study programs supported by Erasmus Mundus and Erasmus+ scholarships include participation from German universities. The grants will cover the costs of enrollment, travel, and subsistence. The Erasmus catalog is a comprehensive list of all master’s level courses offered by Erasmus Mundus. You can look for German-language classes online. SOURCE: Study In Germany Blog]]>

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