The Best Early Childhood Education Programs In 2024

Early Childhood Education Programs

Early Childhood Education Programs

The reasons why these bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and specialist degrees are the finest in early childhood education become clear upon closer inspection.

Educators frequently enroll in degree programs in early childhood education in order to provide young children with appropriate educational environments and foundations.

Young students flourish when they have positive learning experiences, and early childhood studies-focused educators are cognizant of the numerous societal and developmental influences on early child development. As a result, they are able to assess, analyze, and enhance policies and programs pertaining to infancy.

Early Childhood Education Programs encompasses a wide range of professional roles, such as preschool instructor, social services coordinator, university professor, and director of childcare. Between 2016 and 2026, the labor market for preschool and childcare center directors is anticipated to expand at an above-average rate of 11%.

In 2018, the average median salary was $47,940, with the highest 10% earning over $83,730. It is anticipated that the preschool teaching labor market will expand by 10% by 2026. In 2018, the mean salary was $29,780, with the upper 10% earning over $55,350 via median salary.

The Best Early Childhood Education Degree Programs

1. Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Early Childhood Leadership and Advocacy Concentration

You will analyze case studies, cutting-edge technologies, and the most recent early childhood research studies in this doctoral program in order to gain a deeper understanding of how society affects the learning abilities of children. PhD and dissertation completion will qualify you to contribute to the corpus of scholarly research in your field.

One may pursue a variety of professional roles, including director of childcare centers, school psychologist, director of educational programming for a private preschool center, counselor for preschool admissions, specialist in training and development, professor at a university, educator, and researcher. Depending on their level of experience, doctorate in education recipients earn salaries ranging from $46,000 to $106,000 on average.

2. Doctorate of Education (EdD) in Early Childhood Education as a concentration.

This particular program prepares doctoral candidates for leadership positions in preK–12 environments, postsecondary establishments, private organizations, public institutions, and the public sector.

By imparting knowledge of critical writing and research, this specialized doctoral program equips students with the ability to implement scholastic and innovative methodologies that effect substantial transformations in the field of early childhood education on an organizational level.

Salaries for EdD graduates in higher education institutions, including community colleges, universities, and colleges, range from $64,519 (assistant professors) to $134,549 (assistant superintendent K-12 education).

3. Early Childhood Education (EdS).

Educators who have earned a master’s degree and desire to advance their knowledge in a particular field without committing to the additional time and money required for a doctoral program may enroll in education specialist programs.

The EdS in Early Childhood Education degree program will position you for career advancement and a salary increase while enhancing your knowledge and abilities in the areas of curriculum, mentorship, and childhood development. Education specialists can anticipate earning $49,800 on an annualized basis.

4. Master of Science in Early Childhood Studies.

Obtaining a master’s degree in early childhood studies enhances one’s comprehension of the intricacies of effective early childhood programs and services, as well as child development. The capstone course for your master’s degree will facilitate the application of newly acquired knowledge to practical scenarios, concerns, or obstacles.

Becoming a master’s degree holder can enhance one’s qualifications for demanding professional roles, including but not limited to preschool educator, child development specialist, child and family activist, childcare director, and public policy coordinator. As an illustration, the median salary for Childcare Center Directors was $47,940, with the highest 10% earning in excess of $83,730.

5. Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Studies.

This degree does not require a license and can prepare you for work in an early childhood center or daycare. You can contribute to the development of a respectful, supportive, and healthy learning environment for young students in that capacity. A bachelor’s degree in early childhood studies earns approximately $45,790 annually.

Frequently, competency-based learning is utilized to deliver these degree programs, which is an advantageous approach for individuals possessing prior expertise in the respective field and desiring to employ those skills in the pursuit of a degree.


An area of education theory known as early childhood education (ECE), alternatively referred to as nursery education, encompasses the structured and unstructured instruction of children ranging from birth to eight years of age. This is conventionally equivalent to the third grade. It is stated that ECE is a critical period in the development of children.

The Enlightenment saw the emergence of ECE as a field of study, especially in European nations with high rates of literacy. During the nineteenth century, as universal primary education became the norm in the Western world, its expansion persisted.

As municipal, state, and federal legislators debate financing for preschool and pre-K in recent years, early childhood education has emerged as a prominent public policy concern. In the realm of early childhood education, governing bodies are engaged in a discourse regarding the primary emphasis: developmentalally appropriate play or a rigorous academic preparation curriculum that emphasizes reading, writing, and mathematics.

The objectives of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 emphasize the worldwide significance attributed to early childhood education. Globally, however, “approximately four out of every ten children aged three to four attend early childhood education” as of 2023.

Furthermore, regional participation rates differ substantially: “approximately two-thirds of children in Latin America and the Caribbean attend early childhood care and education (ECE), whereas in South Asia, less than half of children attend and in sub-Saharan Africa, only one-fourth do.”

SOURCE: Walden University Blog

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