ECL Ghana | Workplace Conflicts
Workplace conflict is defined as a condition of disharmony generated by the actual or perceived clash of needs, values, and interests among coworkers. Organizational conflict can take numerous forms.
Over the course of their lives, people spend nearly 10.27 years at work on average. When you spend so much of your time in a setting with so many other people, there is sure to be some conflict. This can sometimes turn into a workplace confrontation.
Let me share a fact and a GIF with you to demonstrate the extent to which any workplace argument can escalate. According to a research from Manage Conflict, more than half of all employees in the workplace are being sued by coworkers. This can burn a hole in your pocket, increasing your stress level by the minute.
There are many different types of people in the workplace who come from various backgrounds. As a result, it is the responsibility of both the employee and the business to ensure that a healthy working environment is maintained and that all disagreements are properly resolved.
Personal actions
1. Take a look at yourself.
Ego is one of the main feelings that distinguishes us from other animals, such as love or empathy. An unrestrained and haughty ego, on the other hand, can be a major source of workplace friction. According to a recent CPP study, workplace confrontations are caused by feuding egos in 49 percent of cases.
As a result, in order to avoid unwelcome confrontation and settle any unavoidable clashes, an employee must always be aware that she or he is coexisting at a workplace with people of various personalities who are at odds with one other for no reason.

2. Make a tone check
Your tone is more accurate than any punctuation in any language in expressing a message. It is, nonetheless, one of the most perspective-driven mediums.
As a result, whether speaking with any of the company’s subordinates, managers, or other employees, everyone should keep their tone in check. This not only decreases the likelihood of disagreements, but it also puts you in your coworkers’ good graces. It also never hurts to be nice.
3. Keep your ears to the ground.
A passionate debate is what a verbal conflict is. So, if you want to lessen the heat, listen to the flame. Any individual can easily end a quarrel by simply listening to what the other party has to say and seeing how it contradicts their own beliefs.
Having this understanding can assist you in finding a happy medium where everyone can be satisfied without losing their minds.
4. Don’t play the blame game; instead, address the issue.
This is one of those tidbits that we’ve been told since we were kids. Blame is a game for the weak. Open-mindedness is required to recognize that the issue is not with the party with whom you are at odds, but with the system and communication. When this is decided, it becomes a relatively simple process because both parties can now focus on the problem and address it according to the managers’/subordinates’ wishes.
Steps to take on an organizational level
Employees spend about 2.8 hours each week on average managing and resolving workplace problems. This, together with the money spent on legal representation, should convince any organization that disagreements are extremely destructive to them.
As a result, every company must ensure that conflict is kept to a minimum, ideally none.
Employees, on the other hand, may not always follow company policies and may lack the necessary control to avoid confrontations. To establish a win-win-win situation for both the quarreling employees and the organization, organizations must attend frequent conflict resolution seminars and workshops.
It is also the company’s responsibility to guarantee that there is healthy interdepartmental communication. This guarantees that everyone is on the same page with the organization’s goals and has a good working relationship with one another.

To sum up, after a disagreement has been given time, it is simply a difference of opinion, and we must fix the difference rather than the people who have it. Organizations can also play an important role in keeping a team united and focused on a common objective.
From a positive standpoint, conflict is an inherent side effect of problem-solving, and employing these strategies may surprise you with how quickly disagreements can be addressed when everyone involved keeps their cool and works together to solve the problem.
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